A question was posed in the journaling community I referenced on Day 16: What do you do with your old bullet journals?

Each morning, and with the absence of social media, I will be committing to slowly going through each one, starting from the beginning (2019), and rereading what I documented. My intention is to locate events that resonated with me at the time.
The impetus: I suffered a small stroke in 2023. Apparently, I have experienced previous strokes according to my neurologist and an MRI (lesions in my brain). I have located notes in my bullet journal from December 2020 that indicate one may have happened at the time.
My question is what were the conditions that may have affected having these strokes? So far, I have noticed high levels of stress prior to both strokes (although I can't say for sure that I had one in Dec of 2020). Having this information, thanks in spades to keeping a bullet journal, convinced me to leave the principalship after 16 years and become a coach.
My goal is discovering more stores of information that could lead to reflective essays and help me make sense of the past five years.
In other words, I am not throwing them away! 😂