One of my weaknesses in this digital wilderness is S.O.S.: Shiny Object Syndrome.
I have a sweet tooth for the next "killer app". Part of my pleasure when using technology is trying out these tools. But my commitment to fully learning them is where I sometimes fall short.
Example: this morning I was chatting with another consultant about our work, the challenges and the benefits. As I discussed my purchase of an annual sub­scription to Teachable for a self-directed course and playbook, I started to lament what another platform (Mighty Networks) might bring that my current one does not.
After reflecting on the call, I remembered what Cal Newport said about our willingness to bring in new technology: we only tend to look at the value it brings. What are the costs? If the digital device or app is helpful in our lives, does it also hinder our efforts toward our goals? Even be harmful?
Mighty Networks is a powerful tool. It also requires significant energy, time, and strategy to cultivate a community as it promises. There's a tradeoff in selecting it over a tool like Teachable, where the focus is more on courses.
Just because we know how to use tech doesn't mean we should.