"This presence, this mystery, is the very source of being."
- Tara Brach
An app I have reinvested in is Mindfulness. It is similar to Calm and Headspace, if you are familiar with those tools. They all have prerecorded audio sessions and courses to guide one's meditation.
Meditation is a challenge for me without the scaffold that these supports provide. I would barely even refer to these apps as "digital"; the only thing that categorizes them as technology is I access the sessions on my smartphone.
One course by Tara Brach offers the following two questions to come back to when we feel overwhelmed with the pace and commitments of life.
  1. What is happening?
  2. Can I let this be?
This can be a helpful protocol when situated in environments that we cannot control or even influence to a large degree.
For example, my extended family and I are spending a lot of time together. We love each other, and I think we can also agree that putting fifteen family members in one space might lead to irritation or disagreement.
A common response to uncomfortableness in general is to hop on our phones. Check out our social media feeds and mentally take a break. Not having access to this, I reengaged with what I was doing, such as playing a board game or simply chatting.
Just being present...it shouldn't be this much work. Yet in these current conditions, where the access of connection subverts the opportunity for conversation with such ease, it is.