It's the last day of vacation. We had elected to drive a nice rental car from Wisconsin to Virginia and back.
Even though I am responsible for the driving, I am getting in a lot of reading. Using Libby and, I finished the memoir The Tender Bar and started the science fiction novel Dark Matter.
(Side note: I have tinnitus in my right ear, so I use one earbud to tune out the ringing with a good book read aloud. All safe on the road!)
I can say with confidence that I have been reading more during my digital declutter. And I read a lot in spite of these distractions.
With this additional time recaptured with social media and newsletter turned off, I've been trying to be more intentional about doing something in with what I read. I have a read later app, which captures favorite quotes plus my annotations.
Typically, I feel rushed to get on with the next article or book instead of pondering on or processing what I read. That, in turn, can support my own articles, newsletters, etc. This declutter could improve my writing. It may be a positive outcome due to the subtraction of social media.