It's fun to come home to positive changes and growth. The peppers and tomatoes in the pots on the back deck produced two handfuls for the kitchen counter. A neighbor/friend was kind enough to keep them watered.
One thing I enjoy about gardening is how little I actually do to promote their growth. Gardening is most successful when we create the conditions for growth:
  • quality soil
  • plenty of sunlight and warmth
  • appropriate amount of water
  • protection from enemies (weeds, animals)
These conditions have been the same for as long as there have been gardeners. When I met and spoke with a "farmer" at Colonial Williamsburg, his advice on how best to grow food echoed similar principles.
This post could veer into creating the conditions for learning for our students. But I am thinking about my own learning. Our learning. Are we cultivating the conditions for own growth and continuous improvement?
Social media and similar online platforms have changed how we interact with each other. They reward extreme behavior and depress logic and reasoning. The conditions support binary type thinking: you are either right or wrong. I think this is part of the reason why SoR has taken off these past years. It is promoted an argument instead of a conversation.
This is why I have decided to use Twitter and LinkedIn only for sharing posts from my spaces and reporting colleagues work. No interactions. People can find me elsewhere, where dialogue is the expected norm.