I've unsubscribed to a number of newsletters and blogs during this digital declutter.
If I find myself often deleting the post from my inbox, even before I read it, is a sign that it may no longer serve my needs.
We tend to hold on to things far beyond the value that held in the past.
One newsletter/blog that I will stay subscribed to is marketer Seth Godin. His posts are timely, short, and relevant.
Recently, Seth shared an insightful post about competition and whether we are playing the game with which we want to participate.
The options are pretty clear:
  1. focus on activities where you’re in the sweet spot of the curve, where more preparation, focus and effort lead to huge benefits. This means walking away from competitions against people who are committed to being unreasonable.
  2. embrace the unreasonable and accept that your competitors will as well.
While the unreasonable is thrilling, it’s difficult to build a sustainable career around it.
We all bring our personal meaning to what we read. For me, I saw social media as a game that a) isn't bringing huge benefits, and b) is filled with people who are committed to being unreasonable.
I noticed Seth only shared his blog posts on Twitter - zero interaction. And since 2023, he is no longer tweeting at all.
Life's too short not to play the right games. The rules of social media don't favor us.