During my time off, I've made it a morning habit to sit on my back deck and read a little bit. I've noticed a pair of cardinals. They greet me each morning, perched on my neighbor's apple tree, with their distinctive chirps.
Noticing this pattern of nature is less likely in a digital-centric world. I prefer to read print for several reasons - notably for the lack of Internet connection.
That said, it's a bit more work to capture, organize, and utilize any notes I might make in the margins. My solution has been to leverage an app called Readwise (readwise.io).
Here's how it works:
  1. With my smartphone, I scan a quote in my print text with the app.
  2. The app transcribes it into its system.
  3. I can add my annotations as notes and then save it to the book or article I am reading.
  4. Readwise stores these quotes and notes, along with exporting them to my storage application of choice (Evernote) or organization and back up purposes.
When I want to do some writing and utilize a quote or a note from what I read, I can find it in Readwise or Evernote.
An additional benefit of Readwise is it will present five quotes I have saved previously as a morning email. I will read each one, maybe leave additional notes or correct a misspelling, and go to the next one. Readwise uses a streak feature, similar to Snapchat, in which I get credit for reviewing my randomly-presented quotes for so many days in a row. If you get a long enough streak, you can get your name on the Readwise leader board.
I bring this up as I don't to position some of the ways social media developers get us hooked on their platforms as an entirely bad thing. Under the right conditions, intermittent rewards and social influence can be a positive strategy.
  • I am not spending hours on Readwise.
  • I am persuaded to read.
  • I don't feel envy about other people's longer Readwise streaks.
  • It aligns with my values of curiosity and learning.
As I was scanning a note in on my back deck, my dog started barking. She realized I was outside. I opened the door to let her out, and the cardinal flew away. My wife with a cup of coffee in her hand plus one of the cats followed the dog out.
I put down my book and my phone and said good morning to everyone - a welcomed distraction.